With PRF, under-eye rejuvenation improves pigmentation, skin firmness, texture, and thickness, and it also adds a small amount of subdermal volume. This is a treatment that involves the use of your body’s own platelets and contains very high concentrations of white blood cells, fibrin, and a small amount of stem cells found circulating in our bloodstreams. Your treatment begins with a blood draw, no different than the one you might have at a lab. The blood is then spun in a centrifuge, which separates out the PRF (platelet-rich fibrin). The growth factors found in PRF are key to helping reverse the telltale signs of aging. Compared to PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), PRF has a higher concentration of platelets, fibrin, and white blood cells, along with a smaller amount of stem cells. The platelets stick to the network of fibrin and release the growth factors that make new skin cells, collagen, and blood vessels. The growth factors in PRF are also released much more slowly than in PRP. This makes PRF a better anti-aging treatment because it lasts longer.
This treatment requires us to draw your blood; stay hydrated for 24 hours prior to your appointment.
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